Our Team

Ann Deaton


Ann Deaton 1

Ann is a leadership and team coach. Her work focuses on individuals, teams, organizations, and communities experiencing significant change and growth. Ann completed her Leadership Coaching Certification with the Newfield Network in 2003 and earned her Professional Certified Coach (PCC) designation from the International Coach Federation.

Prior to her coaching career, Ann earned her doctorate in Clinical Psychology, with specializations in health psychology and neuropsychology, from The University of Texas. During a two-decade career in health care, she held supervisory and leadership roles in several health care and rehabilitation systems. In each of these systems, Ann had the opportunity to experience both the suffering that comes with unacknowledged paradox and the success that accompanies consciously accessing both/and thinking.

Ann thinks the best s’mores include just one perfectly roasted marshmallow and two squares of chocolate.

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