Navigating Polarities

Certifications & Workshops

Navigating polarities is a vital competency in today’s complex world. Knowing how to harness the creative tension in competing values by holding a “Both/And” mindset, heartset, and skillset enables leaders and leadership coaches to use a polarity lens to develop their teams and coach their clients who are grappling with the need to lead change, traverse conflict, and thrive within complexity. Most importantly, it enables them to see themselves, and others more fully and allows them to drive different conversations in a polarized world. 

Polarity Navigator® Certification (1 day)

Suitable for learners of all levels!

Polarity Navigator Certification is based on our practical 5-step approach to polarities that explores identity transformation, the Third Way as a mindset, and the role of Vulnerability in navigating polarities. This one-day live Certification course is designed to train and certify individuals in the use of the Polarity Navigator — our sensemaking tool to expand Both/And thinking for individuals and teams.

Key Polarity Indicator™ Certification (4 days)

Suitable for Leadership Coaches, Organizational Development Consultants, Talent Development professionals, and Human Resources Consultants

The Key Polarity Indicator (KPI) helps leaders and leadership teams deepen their awareness and better understand their preferences for some of the key polarities that show up in organizational life. This 4-day course licenses you to administer four KPI instruments as well as the Polarity Navigator tool. 

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Navigating Polarities Connect On-Demand

Now available!

Take our signature Navigating Polarities Course at your own pace and your own time. This on-demand course examines how our deeply held attachments can keep us stuck in a polarized view – shedding light on why navigating these paradoxical tensions is often easier said than done. We will explore the role identity and vulnerability play and why it is so much harder to navigate polarities in which questions of ‘who am I?’ and ‘courage to change’ start to emerge.